Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Explore the World with Astral Projection

Do you know about 'astral projection'? 

Astral projection is an action of going out of oneself's body and is an "Out of Body Experience" (OBE). It is sometimes attempted out of curiosity, or may be believed to be necessary to, or the result of, some forms of spiritual practice. It may involve "travel to higher realms" called astral planes but is commonly used to describe any sensation of being "out of the body" in the everyday world, even seeing one's body from outside or above. It may be reported in the form of an apparitional experience, a supposed encounter with a doppelgänger, some living person also seen somewhere else at the same time.
Click HERE for further explanation about astral projection, or HERE for the website!

Here some easy method for trying to astral projection:
The Rope Technique :
  This technique was developed by Robert Bruce. I have included it because I find it to be one of the easiest techniques around. The speed at which it works is also surprising. Also this method does not require the ability to visualize .

  This projection method will give you an etheric projection. The duration of this projection, in real time, will depend on the level of chakra development and energy flow  you have attained.
As with all the techniques described, a deep level of relaxation is required.

Getting the feel of the Rope
  Pin a length of ribbon, string or rope to the ceiling above you. Have it hanging within arms reach so you can easily reach up and touch it. Reach out and touch it frequently, until you are used to where it is in your mind. This ribbon is only a tactile aide. By being able to reach out and touch the ribbon, you used to the spatial coordinates of where the invisible, imaginary ROPE is. This grows both in your mind and hence as a thought form, making it easier to imagine yourself reaching out and climbing the ROPE with your imaginary HANDS.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Elements and Personality

Well you see, not only we have different elements. But that elements also represent our basic personalities. Earth the stable one, Water the calm one, Fire the active one, and Wind the flexible one. That's just the example, for more information about Elements and Personalities, check this one out.

A Preponderance of the FIRE element
A preponderance of Fire signs planets exemplify high spirits, great faith in self, enthusiasm, and direct honesty. Your fire sign nature projects a radiant, vitalising energy that seems to glow with warmth and exuberance. You need a good deal of freedom to express yourself naturally, and you will usually display a fairly unrelenting insistence on your own point of view. You put all of yourself in whatever you do. You are intensely assertive, individualistic, active and self-expressive. Fire sign energies stimulate people who are more lethargic, but often your energies overpower or exhaust the more retiring or more sensitive type. Good natured and fun-loving, you have many friends and you are generous with your time, energy, and resources. You place a far greater value on having a good time than on material possessions. For all the natural generosity displayed by the fire signs, they are also famous for the big egos they frequently demonstrate. You may believe so strongly in your own powers and abilities that you overlook and frequently fail to take advantage of the talents and abilities of others. You try to do it all yourself and don't delegate well. Despite this damaging flaw in your managerial ability, you belong to a group that is the most daring and capable inspiring in a management sense; the natural leaders. In battle, sports or business, it is usually the fire signs out front leading the charge. You are the type of leader that is very independent and individualistic, rarely consulting with others for advice. You are constantly out front or "on stage" and you need to be recognised and admired for your attainment and accomplishments. Appreciation is more important than money in your estimation. Nothing hurts more than being ignored. The fire sign sense of honesty is straightforward and often child-like. Thus, you believe everyone is, like yourself, an open book. You may be somewhat gullible and naive.
Fire and Earth type
When the elements of Fire and Earth combine, the result is potentially powerful and creative. Fire provides action and Earth looks for tangible results. The Earth elements give sustaining power to the drive from self-expression symbolised by the Fire elements. The rapid-fire inspirations of Fire are grounded by the Earth so that energies can be conserved and focused. A problem with this combination is a degree of insensitivity that is usually present. When moving toward a goal there is little concern for anything or anyone that gets in your way. You may need to cultivate attention to ideals and your own inner life. In any event, the key words for the elements in your chart are steadiness, reliability, and productivity.
Fire and Air Type
With the planets in your chart concentrated in Fire and Air you are idealistic, aspiring, and positive-thinking. You have the best of intentions and motives, but your approach to life may not be completely realistic. You have the ability to put your ideas into action, but you may neglect your emotional and material or physical needs. You probably have a keen sense of humour and a very effective way with words. At its best this is a very creative combination. The problem is getting things done as you are a person that is not well grounded in the persistent traits normally required to see the job through to completion. As full of ideas and enthusiasm as you are, energies may be scattered, and you must realise that you can't just pour out your energies unreservedly without simultaneously tuning in on your deeper resources if you're to avoid a state of constant depletion.
Fire and Water Type
The heavy emphasis on Fire and Water elements in your chart would indicate a general tendency to express everything emotionally, excitedly, and rather impulsively. There is often a lack of logical, systematic thought and procedure, with a resulting restlessness and subjective bias. This combination has intensity, emotional extremes, and surprising sensitivity to what others think of them. You are a "whole-hogger," having a marked lack of self-restraint. You may experience big swings in moods. You function in a high-pressure state, and you do best when being challenged.
Fire Absence
The limited presence of the Fire element in your horoscope may suggest the need to experience life more actively. It may benefit you to become more vital, for you may lack the passion and spark that the fire signs afford. This doesn't mean that you don't enjoy life, but merely that you don't seem to know how to insert yourself into the action; pleasure, thrills and glory will be slow coming your way. Your pleasures are apt to be more subtle and sensitive, without the dramatics and flash. Although this void does not guarantee an introvert, you are not likely to be the extrovert. You lack the dare-devil courage of the fire signs, and this includes the utter self-confidence these signs bestow. Because of this, you may like to stand back and let the other person make the first move in an encounter. If anything, you underestimate your abilities and worth. You like to test the water before you jump in, and the fire of competition can hold you back sometimes. By underrating your abilities, you are apt to often end up assisting others whose talents are less than your own, but whose reflection drive and desire is greater. Actually, you don't like having the spotlight on you, and you may prefer such a subordinate role. Self-expression, both emotional and creative, may be difficult for you. In some cases, a person lacking fire in their chart may try to force self-expression and many of the more aggressive fire sign traits in order to compensate for the lack of these traits. Characteristic of this would be the less than talented, over-achiever in a sport who attains a modest level of skill and the ability to win through extreme hard work and long years of perseverance.
A Preponderance of the EARTH element
The heavy concentration of the Earth element in your horoscope suggests that you are cautious, premeditative, conventional, and dependable. You are the type of person who lives by a practical, common sense code; stable, and concerned with physical well-being rather than spiritual attainment. You are quite responsible, if a bit rigid, methodical and detail-conscious. The term "down to earth" may suit you quite well. It might be said that you are one of those people who is very well adjusted to life on this planet. A concern for the physical or material world makes you very much the realist. You are an organizer, a builder, and a hard-worker. The earth sign traits provide you with the skills and attitude necessary to succeed readily in the world of business. So pragmatic, you don't often gamble or take unnecessary chances. You understand the reality of a situation and you understand value, both in a material and in a human sense. Your approach to people is much the same as your approach to life. You are reliable and steadfast. You are predictable and you don't like surprises. Dependability, diligence and a pragmatic, no-nonsense approach to life are your greatest strengths. Lack of ideas or imagination, dullness, rigid conservatism, extreme materialism, and blind adherence to rules and regulations are your potential faults.
Earth and Air Type
The heavy concentration of the combination of Earth and Air in your horoscope can indicate an alternating pull between the abstract-conceptual and the more mundane practical-efficiency orientations. Properly focused, this blending allows combining intellectual and conceptual awareness with a practical sense of harmony and concrete objectives. In other words, you are a thinker and you possess some common sense; a good combination. There is a fairly dry, detached sort of logic that allows you to deal with a volume of facts or figures without getting overwhelmed with the detail. Stress never bothers you much. Emotionalism is never a problem either.
Earth and Water Type
A lot of earth and water often produces persons displaying much depth, seriousness, and a strong sense of self-protectiveness in all activities. You are apt to be a hard worker, for earth/water types don't seem to be happy unless they have some burden, either emotionally or in everyday work. These placements are very conscious of survival needs, and other issues of security, and others' reliance on their solidity and resources. Therefore, much of your energy is used in an effort to maintain or obtain resources, and there is great attachment to money, possessions, job, children, and other security factors. You have endurance and an ability to survive through any calamity. Your attachment to security and to rather traditional values is often manifested in a strong adherence to family, home, and community responsibility. The negative side of earth/water types is becoming too attached to the past and rather fearful of the present and the future. Positive thinking and forming ideals may be your challenge.
Earth Absence
The limited presence of the Earth element in your horoscope suggests that you may have some difficulties dealing with practical and mundane issues; in fact it may be said that you are not really at home on the planet Earth. You may seem to be somehow lost in space and unable to get your feet on the ground. Because of this you may reject responsibility and have trouble getting organised and following through on a task. There frequently is shown a childish inability to handle mundane tasks, and you may be one of those people who needs help to accomplish the simplest fix-up chore. Material matter and money may be secondary concerns, and you may not be particularly interested earthly possessions and material gain. Sometimes persons with an absence of Earth compensate by expressing a compulsive trait toward neatness and detail, and a forced concern for organization. More often, the absence of earth signs means good old fashioned common sense may not be your strong suit.
A Preponderance of the AIR element
The preponderance of Air signs suggest a strong emphasis on thought, ideas and intellectual pursuits of one sort or another. There is a detachment and a sense of objectivity associated with such a heavy influence in the element of Air. Air signs communicate and express ideas with mental agility. Your Air signs may not, however, always get the job done, and you need to be sure ideas are grounded in reality and put to practical use. You are probably more concerned with theory than with application. Often, individuals having a heavy amounts of Air signs become the impractical dreamers, constantly thinking, but not always following through as well as others. Rational and logical, you analyse situations fully, thinking them through and planning carefully before you act. While you may ponder and vacillate, you rarely make foolish mistakes. Detached and not overly emotional, you are almost always objective and fair-minded. You are people-oriented, but more inclined toward the group than the individual. Your interests are varied, and you're apt to be a life-long student.
Air and Water Type
Although you often feel pulled between intellectual and emotional orientations of life, heavy doses of Air and Water elements can make you very much attuned to both realms of experience. Neither the abstract nor the feeling-intuitive world is alien to you, and you are thus able to develop a mode of operation that encompasses both types of perception. This results in your being able to give depth to your ideas and in your ability to gain detachment and perspective on feelings and deeper yearnings. You are physically and psychologically sensitive; a dreamer, an escapist, perhaps a little fantasy-prone. You have an amazingly fertile imagination and specialised skills for dealing with people. You know how to tune in to people, and communicate concisely.
Air Absence
The limited amount of the Air element in your horoscope suggests a need to learn adaptability and the use of the mental functions in a creative manner. You don't emphasize mental activity in your daily life. This is not to say that you aren't intelligent, but just that you don't place a lot of value on the world of ideas and education's for education sake. Often, a shortage of Air signs signifies an inability to communicate effectively or clearly; you may be somewhat enigmatic and obscure. Sometimes there is a self-consciousness associated with such circumstances, and you may over-compensate by working hard to improve such inclinations. You probably don't enjoy learning unless what you're studying has an immediate and tangible end. A strength of the air-weak chart is generally the enhanced ability to communicate emotionally, physically or psychically. It may be hard for you to stand back, and clearly view an issue in an objective manner. Thus, there is a tendency to have some trouble in the task of planning ahead.  You may find yourself wasting a lot of energy on this account. You must make a special effort to communicate clearly and plan very carefully or your advancement will come only through costly trial and error.
A Preponderance of the WATER element
A heavy emphasis of Water element signs puts you closely in touch with your feelings, and in tune with the nuances and subtleties in your environment that others won't even notice. You approach life and understand it through your emotions, and you're really at your best when you "play your hunches." You don't intellectualise about things; you respond exactly how you feel. Water sign people are very attuned to their feelings. An intense sensitivity permits you to experience the heights of emotional bliss, but it can also take you to the depth of despair. Close emotional relationships are essential to your well-being and happiness. Superficial affairs are few, and less than satisfying. Romantic, sentimental, and affectionate, there must be a stable and secure bond between you and your partner. When you are happily situated in such a bond, you can be a very nurturing type. You can be "smothering" toward your children, and very possessive of your mate. You are not one who can subscribe to the code "live and let live." You communicate best in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. You have a natural feel and sense for the arts. You're apt to let the heart rule the head. Highly impractical and impressionable, you sometimes use bad judgment for you are unable to be objective and evaluate situations impersonally. You may change your mind as often as your moods change, but rarely do the facts sway your beliefs.
Water Absence
The absence or limitation of Water signs in your horoscope suggests that you may have difficulty understanding the deeper meanings of events and circumstances. Indeed, you may be a little lacking in emotional intensity. This is not to say that you have no feelings, but it does mean that your emotions are not easily engaged and they really don't run deep. You aren't so apt to form those extremely close friendships and relationships, and you may even feel smothered and threatened by strong emotional demands of others. You recover quickly from emotional bumps and scrapes, never letting your disappointments get you down. Depression is never apt to be a problem. Many of the aspects of not having water signs are positive, but on the negative side, you must guard against becoming rather callous and cold, detached and unfeeling. Intuitive skills are not readily available to those with few planets in Water signs. In your view this does not matter so much, because you don't trust intuitive knowledge anyway.

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

A Brief Explanation of Zodiac's Elements

Well, I just copy and paste it from somewhere else, thank you for Hassam!
The four elements
Fire - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Water - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The three signs in each of the four elements are further categorised as cardinal, fixed and mutable.


The three fire signs have in common the desire for freedom. Actually the air signs have this characteristic as well, but whereas the air signs tend to go for freedom of expression, thought and movement, the fire signs go for freedom of action and the power to do as they wish.
Aries - The cardinal fire sign is Aries. Here, the basic desire of the fire signs is seen in its most raw form, the desire to initiate, to get things going, and results in frustration when results are not as intended.
Leo - The fixed fire sign is Leo. The common peculiarity of fixed signs is to fix things so that they are preserved. Leo expresses its freedom by taking the results that
Aries has generated and arranging them to that they continue to be effective, while having authority for itself. Thus management is a function often associated with Leo.
Sagittarius - The mutable fire sign is Sagittarius. Here, the freedom of fire is expressed as the desire to expand one's horizons, the means used being religion, philosophy, advanced education and travel.


The three earth signs have in common the need for security. They have this need in common with the water signs, whose need is for emotional security. The requirement of the earth signs is physical security.
Capricorn - The cardinal earth sign is Capricorn. Capricorn is the one that seeks security within the world or social order.
Taurus - The fixed earth sign is Taurus. Here the security-seeking characteristic of the earth signs is seen at its most basic, the acquisition and preservation of money and tangible assets being felt as fulfilling that need. Taurus also enjoys the senses for their own sakes.
Virgo - The mutable earth sign is Virgo. Here the security need of earth is expressed by organising things so that they operate in the most efficient way possible, so that people always know where to find what they want.


As mentioned above the air sign go more for freedom of expression, thought and movement.
Libra - The cardinal air sign is Libra. Libra is the one that seeks the freedom to live in a balanced harmonious environment.
Aquarius - The fixed air sign is Aquarius. The material fixed by Aquarius might be an ideal or some way of thinking that is seen as freedom giving. Unfortunately, with the fixing process the freedom is sometimes lost.
Gemini - The mutable air sign is Gemini. The moveable nature of air is here seen in its most basic form, with the desire to move from one thought to another, maybe from one book to another without finishing either.


Whereas the earth signs need physical security, the water signs seek emotional security.
Cancer - The cardinal water sign is Cancer. Cancer is the one who acquires a sense of satisfaction through belonging to a family of some kind, whether a traditional human family or a group of people that can be perceived as a kind of family.
Scorpio - The fixed water sign is Scorpio. Here, the sense of security is sought, often obsessively, through a search for the deepest layer of a person or a society to which one is attached in some way.
Pisces - The mutable water sign is Pisces. For Pisces, the forms within which matter or ideas are contained do not offer any ultimate sense of security, a security which is sought more through a sense of the universe as unbounded.
This can lead to a sense of unreality in the tangible world, or, more positively, it can infuse the tangible world with a sense of the mystical.
Well that's all about the 12 signs and their elements, see which one you are in!

Minggu, 11 September 2011

Well-known Psychic Powers

Almost all of us are held by the lots of binding chains, which restrict us. So, let's open up our mind, leave all of those thoughts of 'No way! This is nonsense!' and also put aside all of your beliefs to understand all of our explanations and filter things that you would think of these wonders. Maybe some of you would say, 'This is evil!', or 'This person must be mentally ill!', or anything, but please read thoroughly of this entry and reconsider you way of thinking of these gifts that being given for us to utilize them in our daily life and even helping each other.

Those who have awaken their long lost gifts (yes, they're exist from the ancient till now), are called psychic. They  are not truly the same with each other, everyone has their own unique abilities (think of the film 'Heroes'). Even so, there are some abilities that can be retrieved back though the learner didn't have any access to that power before (psi, intuition, kinesis and friends).
1. Aura Reading
The most common ability is aura reading. This ability will come out on its own if you practice on the other kinds of psychic abilities regularly or started to awaken spiritually. You will see energy fields surrounding people, animal, plants, and things. You will often see aura when you are focused but relaxed state (daydreaming, that's what happened in my case). You'll see whitish light that is tight to the object before seeing the real aura, which is the etheric aura that store cosmic energy (energy of the Universe). Click here to look on the article how to see the aura.

2. Kinetics Power
Kinesises can also be learned by everyone (who believes in them) and usually the first kinesis power that can be learned is the same affinity as your element. There are 4 basic elements (spirit isn't included, as it is the unity of the basic elements): fire, earth, air, and water. How to find out which one is your element? find it out here. After finding out your element, try to become closer to it (fire> feel the heat of a candle, try to feel its movements and heat that its emits; earth> takes off your footwear and walk or lay on the grass; air> feel the wind that hit right on your face, the fresher the air the better,also doing wind related activities(singing, running); water> doing water sports, or feeling and smelling the rain are some good ideas; and many more). Do this element bonding as a habit, and try your kinesis on something (candle, sand, a bowl of water, hanged light thing, etc)

3. Clair-------
Since 'clair' means 'clear', this ability provide the person to be able to hear/see/feel/know things that is out of our 5 senses, usually called sixth sense.
-Clairvoyance is the ability to see images, or entities clearly (i can't see that clearly T_T)
-Clairaudience is the ability to hear voices from the spirits realm (but my friend said that she often heard her friends' voices)
-Clairsentience is the ability to sense information (emotions, spirits, events) from the spirit world, or the place around the person
-and many more!
Here is the link for more information!

Jumat, 09 September 2011

10 Lies You'll Hear Before Pursuing Your Dreams

Here are ten ill-advised tips (lies) people will likely tell you when you decide to pursue your dreams and the reasons why they are dreadfully mistaken:

1. You can follow your dreams someday, but right now you need to buckle down and be responsible.
Someday? When is ”someday”? “Someday” is not a day at all. It’s a foggy generalisation of a time that will likely never come. Today is the only day guaranteed to you. Today is the only day you can begin to make a difference in your life. And pursuing your dreams is what life is all about. So don’t be irresponsible. Don’t wait until “someday.” Make today the first day of the rest of your new life.

2. You’re totally screwed if it doesn’t work out.
Wrong! This is a giant, lame load of BS. You’re not even close to being screwed. In fact, the worst case scenario is that things don’t work out and you have to go back to doing exactly what you are doing right now.

3. It’s safer to stay at your day job.
Sure, I suppose. But you know what’s even safer than that? Going home, locking yourself in your bedroom, and never, ever coming out. And just like that, you will have flushed your entire life and your dreams down the toilet. Remember, safer doesn’t always mean better.

4. That’s impossible!
It’s only impossible if you never do anything about it. The reason certain things seem impossible is simply because nobody has achieved them yet. But this doesn’t mean that with your help these things won’t become possible in the future. If you truly dedicate yourself to an end result, almost anything is possible. You just have to want it bad enough.

5. Only a lucky few “make it.”
That’s because those lucky few got off their rear ends and did something about it! They had the drive, determination, and willpower that you have right now. You can be one of them. It’s up to you, and only you.

6. You might fail. And failing is bad.
Failures are simply stepping stones to success. No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something: win–win. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake. If you can’t handle failure, then you can’t handle success either.

7. You don’t have access to the right resources.
It’s not about having the right resources; it’s about exploiting the resources you do have access to. Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has twenty-five Grammy Awards to prove it. Get it?

8. You need more money saved before you can take the first step.
You don’t need more money. You need a plan. You need a budget. Eliminate ALL the nonessential costs in your life. If pursuing your dream requires you to leave your day job, figure out the absolute minimum amount of income that you realistically require to live. Studying those who have succeeded with similar ventures also helps. But above all, take baby steps. Don’t be foolish and assume that you must have a certain amount of money saved right now, or that you must quit your day job today in order to pursue your dreams. Instead, ask yourself, “What actions can I take right now with the money and resources I have right now that will bring me closer to desired goal?”

9. You don’t need any help. It’s smarter to go after it alone.
You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. If you hang with the wrong people, they will negatively affect you. But if you hang with the right people, you will be far more capable and powerful than you ever could have been alone. Find your tribe and work together to make a difference in all of your lives.

10. That sounds like a lot of hard work.
You’re darn right it does! But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. I think success in life hinges on one key point: finding hard work you love doing. As long as you remain true to yourself and follow your own interests, values, and dreams, you can find success through passion. Perhaps most importantly, you won’t wake up a few years from now working in a career field you despise, wondering, How the heck am I going to do this for the next thirty years? So if you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop. You’re onto something big. Because hard work ain’t hard when you concentrate on your passions and dreams.

So that's it. Get your ass up from that chair or bed, and start reaching your dream(s)! Remember, anything is possible!!

Senin, 05 September 2011

First Entry

We will try to introduce some of things which were thought of common or out of mind. We will explain about the truth and the secrets of daily things. These things are wonderful, full with Nature's gifts, and open our mind to the Universe. Maybe you'll find these things are ridiculous or unbelievable, and maybe you'll think these are nonsense. But they're exist and happening everyday around us. Let's start!

1. Belief and Affirmation!

Well, you cannot feel these wonders if you don't believe in them. Let's start with believing their existence and soon you will see the wonders coming after you one by one, changing your life, and free you from this boredom.
2.The Power of Color!
If you wanted to start, but don't know where to start off, why don't you start off with something simple such as color? Colors aren't only as for beauty, but also hold tremendous power within them! They have their own meaning and also can be used for healing, meditation, even affecting our lives.

3. Element-bending!
You know telekinesis? I bet some of you already know of it, but do you know that kinesis have many variants? Some examples are: pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, aerokinesis, geokinesis, e.t.c. There are also some weird ones, such as papyrokinesis (paper-bending), audiokinesis (sound waves-bending), and lipokinesis (fat-bending). You can learn some of them depending on yourselves! You should start with telekinesis or the kinesis of your element (will be explained later).